The Power of Difference: Neurodivergent Historical Figures You Should Know About


Neurodiversity refers to the natural variations in the human brain and how individuals think, learn, and process information. Whilst society may often view neurodivergent conditions as a disadvantage, history has shown us that these differences can also bring incredible strength, creativity, and innovation. In this article, we will explore the lives of some lesser-known historical figures who had/have a neurodivergent condition and how their unique perspectives and abilities have shaped the world we live in today. From ancient to modern times, these individuals have overcome challenges and made remarkable achievements that continue to inspire us.


Shining a Light on Neurodivergence: Understanding the Term


Neurodiversity is a term that is gaining more recognition and understanding in recent years, but what exactly does it mean? Simply put, neurodivergence refers to the natural variations in the human brain and how individuals think, learn, and process information. It recognises that there is no one “normal” or “typical” way for our brains to function.
Neurodivergent conditions include autism, ADHD, dyslexia, Tourettes and many others. These conditions are not defects or deficiencies, but rather different ways of perceiving and interacting with the world. They can bring both challenges and strengths to the individuals who have them.
By understanding and embracing neurodiversity, we can create a more inclusive society that celebrates and values the unique perspectives and abilities of all individuals. Rather than viewing neurodivergent conditions as a disadvantage, we can recognise the incredible potential for creativity, innovation, and problem-solving that these differences can bring.
In the following sections of this blog post, we will explore the lives of some lesser-known historical figures who had/have a neurodivergent condition and how their unique perspectives and abilities have shaped the world we live in today. Their stories serve as powerful reminders of the strength and resilience that can come from embracing neurodiversity.


Leaders and Innovators: Neurodivergent Figures in Ancient Times


During ancient times, there were remarkable individuals who displayed neurodivergent traits, and their unique perspectives and abilities contributed to the development of civilisation. One such figure is the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras. Known for his theorem in geometry, Pythagoras also exhibited intense focus and attention to detail, characteristics often associated with neurodivergent conditions. His contributions laid the foundation for modern mathematics and continue to shape our understanding of the world.
Another noteworthy figure is Empress Theodora of Byzantium. Despite facing adversity and societal barriers, Theodora demonstrated exceptional intelligence and strategic thinking. She played a crucial role in shaping the Byzantine Empire and championed women’s rights and social reform. Her ability to think outside the box and challenge societal norms showcases the strength that can arise from neurodivergent thinking.
Additionally, Archimedes, renowned for his discoveries in physics and engineering, possessed a remarkable intellect. His obsessive focus and problem-solving abilities allowed him to make groundbreaking inventions, such as the Archimedes screw and the compound pulley system. Archimedes’ contributions have had a lasting impact on science and technology.
These neurodivergent figures from ancient times exemplify the power of embracing diverse ways of thinking. Their achievements and lasting legacies remind us that neurodivergent individuals have always played a crucial role in shaping the world we live in today.


Paradigms of Perseverance: Neurodivergent Individuals in the Middle Ages


During the Middle Ages, a period known for its challenges and societal barriers, there were remarkable individuals who persevered and made significant contributions despite their neurodivergent conditions. One such individual is Hildegard of Bingen, a German Benedictine abbess, writer, composer, philosopher, and visionary. Hildegard displayed exceptional intelligence and creativity, and she is considered one of the earliest known composers in Western music history. Her music and writings continue to inspire and influence artists to this day.
Another neurodivergent figure from the Middle Ages is King Henry VI of England. Although he faced significant challenges, including mental health issues, Henry was a patron of the arts and sciences, supporting the founding of Eton College and King’s College, Cambridge. Despite the difficulties he faced, Henry’s patronage contributed to the growth of knowledge and education during this time.
Joan of Arc, a French military leader, is another paradigm of perseverance from the Middle Ages. She exhibited unwavering determination and strong conviction, qualities that are often associated with neurodivergent individuals. Joan’s actions in leading the French army to several victories during the Hundred Years’ War had a profound impact on the outcome of the conflict and shaped the course of history.
These individuals from the Middle Ages exemplify the power of perseverance and the potential for greatness within neurodivergent minds. Their contributions to music, education, and military strategy continue to be celebrated and remembered, reminding us of the importance of embracing and supporting individuals with diverse ways of thinking.


Breaking Barriers: The Renaissance and Neurodivergent Achievers


During the Renaissance, a period known for its advancements in art, science, and humanistic thought, there were individuals who broke barriers and made remarkable contributions. One such figure is Michelangelo, the renowned Italian artist and sculptor. Michelangelo’s intense focus and attention to detail, often associated with neurodivergent traits, allowed him to create some of the most iconic works of art in history, such as the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the sculpture of David. His artistic genius continues to inspire and awe people around the world.
Another neurodivergent achiever of the Renaissance is Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo’s insatiable curiosity and innovative thinking led him to make groundbreaking discoveries in various fields, including anatomy, engineering, and art. His notebooks are filled with sketches and inventions that were far ahead of their time. Leonardo’s unique perspective and ability to connect different disciplines paved the way for future scientific and artistic advancements.
Additionally, Thomas Hobbes, the English philosopher, made significant contributions to political philosophy during the Renaissance. Despite experiencing anxiety and a speech impediment, Hobbes’s logical thinking and analytical skills allowed him to develop groundbreaking ideas on social contracts and the nature of political power. His works continue to be influential in shaping our understanding of government and society.
These neurodivergent achievers of the Renaissance remind us that embracing the diversity of thought and perspective can lead to incredible innovations and advancements. Their legacies continue to inspire and encourage individuals with neurodivergent conditions to break barriers and make their mark on the world.


Forging Forward: Neurodivergence in Modern Times


In the modern world, neurodivergent individuals continue to make their mark and challenge societal norms. One such figure is Temple Grandin, an American professor, author, and advocate for people with autism. Grandin’s unique perspective and ability to think visually have revolutionised the livestock industry. Her designs for more humane animal handling facilities have been widely adopted and have improved the lives of countless animals.
Another inspiring modern-day neurodivergent figure is Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmental activist. Thunberg’s diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome has not held her back from becoming a powerful voice for climate action. Her passionate speeches and tireless advocacy have inspired a global movement of young activists who are demanding urgent action to address the climate crisis.
Furthermore, we have Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. Jobs was diagnosed with dyslexia, yet his creativity, vision, and determination have made him one of the most influential figures in technology. His contributions to the development of innovative products such as the iPhone and iPad have shaped the way we interact with technology today.
These modern-day neurodivergent figures serve as beacons of inspiration and show us that diverse ways of thinking can lead to incredible achievements. They remind us to celebrate and support neurodivergent individuals as they forge ahead, breaking barriers and making a positive impact on the world.


The Influence of Neurodivergent Minds Today


Neurodivergent individuals continue to have a profound impact on our world today. Their unique perspectives, strengths, and achievements shape our society and inspire positive change. One example is Temple Grandin, an American professor and advocate for people with autism. Grandin’s innovative designs for more humane animal handling facilities have revolutionised the livestock industry, improving the lives of countless animals.
Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmental activist with Asperger’s syndrome, has become a powerful voice for climate action. Her passionate speeches and tireless advocacy have inspired a global movement of young activists demanding urgent action to address the climate crisis.
Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., was diagnosed with dyslexia. Despite his challenges, his creativity, vision, and determination have made him one of the most influential figures in technology. Jobs’ contributions to the development of products like the iPhone and iPad have transformed the way we interact with technology.
These modern-day neurodivergent figures demonstrate the incredible achievements that can come from embracing diverse ways of thinking. They inspire us to celebrate and support neurodivergent individuals as they forge ahead, making a positive impact on the world.



  • “Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism” by Temple Grandin – This book provides an insightful look into Temple Grandin’s life and her experiences as a person with autism, highlighting her innovative designs and advocacy work.
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  • “No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference” by Greta Thunberg – This book features the speeches and writings of Greta Thunberg, the Swedish environmental activist with Asperger’s syndrome, and explores her passionate advocacy for climate action.
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  • “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson – While this biography primarily focuses on Steve Jobs, it delves into his experiences with dyslexia and how he overcame challenges to become a technology icon, making it relevant to the theme of embracing diverse ways of thinking.
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  • “NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity” by Steve Silberman – This book provides a comprehensive look at the history and impact of neurodiversity, highlighting the contributions of neurodivergent individuals throughout history.
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  • “The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism” by Naoki Higashida – This book offers a unique perspective on autism from the point of view of a non-verbal autistic teenager, allowing readers to gain insight into the inner world of someone with autism.
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  • “Different… Not Less: Inspiring Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment from Adults with Autism, Asperger’s, and ADHD” by Temple Grandin (Editor) – This book compiles stories of individuals with autism and other neurodivergent conditions who have achieved success in various fields.
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  • “Neurodiversity in the Classroom: Strength-Based Strategies to Help Students with Special Needs Succeed in School and Life” by Thomas Armstrong – This book is focused on practical strategies for educators and parents to support neurodivergent individuals in the classroom and beyond.
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