The Problem with Casting Neurotypical Actors in Autistic Roles


Neurodiversity representation in media has come a long way in recent years, with more and more diverse characters being portrayed on screen. However, one issue that continues to persist is the casting of non-autistic actors in autistic roles. This practice not only perpetuates ableism but also undermines the importance of authentic representation. So, let’s discuss the problematic trend of casting neurotypical actors in autistic roles, using examples from popular shows like The Good Doctor and Rain Man, and examining its impact on the perception of neurodiversity in society.


The Representation of Autism in Media: A Brief Overview


Autism representation in the media has been a topic of discussion for many years. Whilst progress has been made, there is still much work to be done. Historically, autistic characters were often portrayed as stereotypes or used as comedic relief. This perpetuated harmful misconceptions about autism and contributed to the stigmatisation of neurodiverse individuals.
However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards more authentic portrayals of autism in media. Shows like “Atypical” and “The A Word” have made efforts to accurately depict the experiences of autistic individuals and their families. These shows have received praise for their sensitive and nuanced approach to the subject matter.
Unfortunately, the practice of casting non-autistic actors in autistic roles remains a prevalent issue. This not only denies autistic actors the opportunity to represent their own community but also reinforces ableist attitudes. By hiring neurotypical actors to portray autistic characters, the industry perpetuates the idea that autism is something that can be effectively “acted” rather than something that is inherently a part of a person’s identity.
It is important to recognise the harmful impact of these casting decisions. Not only does it undermine the progress that has been made in promoting authentic representation, but it also sends a message to neurodiverse individuals that their stories and experiences are not valued or worthy of being told by their own community.
In the following sections, we will explore specific examples such as “The Good Doctor” and “Rain Man” to better understand the implications of these casting choices and the need for more accurate and authentic representation of neurodiversity in the media.


Analysing ‘The Good Doctor’: Understanding the Non-Autistic Interpretation of Autism


In the hit TV series “The Good Doctor”, Freddie Highmore plays Shaun Murphy, a brilliant surgeon who is also on the autism spectrum. While Highmore’s performance has received praise, it is crucial to examine the non-autistic interpretation of autism in this show.
One of the main criticisms is the tendency to focus on Shaun’s exceptional abilities rather than portraying a realistic spectrum of experiences. The character is often portrayed as a savant, with extraordinary medical knowledge and problem-solving skills. While some individuals on the autism spectrum may possess exceptional talents, this representation fails to capture the full range of experiences and challenges faced by autistic individuals.
Furthermore, Shaun is often depicted as socially awkward, struggling with basic social interactions. While this may be true for some autistic individuals, it reinforces stereotypes and fails to acknowledge the diversity within the autism community. Autism is a spectrum, and the experiences and abilities of autistic individuals vary greatly.
By casting a non-autistic actor in the role of Shaun, the show missed an opportunity to provide an authentic representation of autism. Autistic actors, who have firsthand experience with the condition, could have brought depth and authenticity to the character that a neurotypical actor cannot replicate.
Overall, while “The Good Doctor” has brought autism into the mainstream, it falls short in providing a comprehensive and accurate portrayal. It is essential for future portrayals of autism in the media to prioritise authenticity and representation by casting autistic actors in autistic roles. Only then can we truly understand and appreciate the diverse experiences within the neurodiverse community.


‘Rain Man’ and its Impact on Public Perception of Autism


“Rain Man” is a film that has had a significant impact on the public perception of autism. Released in 1988, the film stars Dustin Hoffman as Raymond Babbitt, an autistic savant with extraordinary mathematical abilities. Whilst the film was widely acclaimed and won multiple awards, its portrayal of autism has been a subject of controversy.
One of the main criticisms of “Rain Man” is its focus on Raymond’s savant abilities, rather than providing a more comprehensive portrayal of autism. By portraying autism primarily through the lens of exceptional talents, the film perpetuates the misconception that all individuals on the autism spectrum possess extraordinary abilities in one specific area. This narrow representation fails to acknowledge the diversity within the autism community and reinforces stereotypes.
Additionally, the film does not adequately explore the challenges and difficulties faced by autistic individuals in their everyday lives. Raymond’s struggles with social interaction are touched upon, but the film largely overlooks the sensory sensitivities, communication difficulties, and other common experiences of autistic individuals. This incomplete representation further contributes to a limited understanding of autism among the general public.
The success and cultural impact of “Rain Man” have had lasting effects on the public’s perception of autism. Many people still associate autism primarily with savant abilities and may not fully appreciate the complex range of experiences and challenges faced by autistic individuals. It is essential for future media representations of autism to provide a more accurate and holistic portrayal, challenging stereotypes and promoting a deeper understanding of neurodiversity.


Neurodiversity Misrepresentation: The Consequences of Non-Autistic Actors Portraying Autistic Characters


The consequences of casting non-autistic actors in autistic roles are far-reaching and detrimental to the neurodiversity community. When neurotypical actors are chosen to portray autistic characters, it perpetuates the notion that autism is something that can be mimicked or performed, rather than a genuine part of someone’s identity. This reinforces ableist attitudes and undermines the progress made towards authentic representation in the media.
By denying autistic actors the opportunity to represent their own community, these casting decisions send a clear message that their stories and experiences are not valued or worthy of being told by their own community. This erasure of autistic voices not only marginalises them but also limits the understanding and empathy that can be fostered in society.
Additionally, the consequences extend to the general public’s perception of autism. When non-autistic actors portray autistic characters, they often focus on specific traits or savant abilities, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and oversimplifying the complexity of the autism spectrum. This limited representation fails to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, strengths, and diverse experiences of autistic individuals.
To combat these consequences, it is crucial for the media industry to prioritise authentic representation by casting autistic actors in autistic roles. This would allow for a more nuanced portrayal of autism and provide opportunities for autistic individuals to share their own stories and perspectives. By amplifying authentic voices and experiences, we can challenge misconceptions, promote acceptance, and foster a more inclusive society for neurodiverse individuals.


Potential Steps Towards Authentic Neurodiversity Representation


Moving forward, it is essential for the media industry to take steps towards authentic neurodiversity representation. Here are some potential actions that can be taken:

  1. Consult and collaborate with autistic individuals: To ensure accurate and authentic portrayals of autism, it is crucial for filmmakers, producers, and writers to consult and collaborate with autistic individuals. By involving them in the creative process, their perspectives and experiences can be accurately represented, and harmful stereotypes can be avoided.
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  3. Cast autistic actors in autistic roles: One of the most significant steps towards authentic representation is casting autistic actors in autistic roles. By giving them the opportunity to share their own stories, the industry can ensure that autistic characters are portrayed with depth, nuance, and authenticity. This not only provides employment opportunities for autistic actors but also allows for the diverse range of autistic experiences to be accurately represented.
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  5. Provide training and support: It is important for the industry to provide training and support for both autistic and non-autistic actors, writers, and crew members. This can help them better understand autism, its challenges, and its strengths. By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, the industry can promote more accurate and respectful representations of neurodiversity.
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  7. Increase diversity behind the scenes: Authentic representation goes beyond casting choices. It is essential to increase diversity behind the scenes as well. Hiring diverse writers, directors, and producers can bring fresh perspectives and ensure that the stories being told are accurate and inclusive.
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  9. Educate and engage the audience: The media has a powerful influence on public perception. It is important for the industry to use its platform to educate and engage the audience about neurodiversity. This can be done through accurate portrayals, educational content, and partnerships with advocacy organisations. By challenging stereotypes and promoting understanding, the industry can foster a more inclusive society for neurodiverse individuals.
    By taking these potential steps towards authentic neurodiversity representation, the media industry can play a significant role in promoting acceptance, understanding, and inclusion for individuals on the autism spectrum and the wider neurodiversity community.
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  • “Rain Man” (1988)n
    • Dustin Hoffman portrayed Raymond Babbitt, an autistic savant, in this critically acclaimed film.
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  • “Temple Grandin” (2010)n
    • Claire Danes played Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who became one of the top scientists in the humane livestock handling industry.
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  • “Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” (Play, 2012)n
    • The stage adaptation of Mark Haddon’s novel features an autistic protagonist, Christopher Boone. The role has been played by non-autistic actors in various productions.
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  • “Mozart and the Whale” (2005)n
    • Josh Hartnett and Radha Mitchell starred in this film about two people with Asperger’s syndrome.
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  • “A Brilliant Young Mind” (2014) / “X+Y” (2015)n
    • Asa Butterfield played Nathan Ellis, a teenage mathematician with autism, in this British drama film.
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  • “Molly” (1999)n
    • Elisabeth Shue played the title role of Molly McKay, an autistic woman, in this romantic drama.
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  • “Parenthood” (TV series, 2010-2015)n
    • Max Burkholder, a non-autistic actor, portrayed Max Braverman, a character with Asperger’s syndrome, in this television series.
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  • “Temple” (TV film, 2016)n
    • Non-autistic actress Claire Danes portrayed Temple Grandin once again in this biographical TV film.
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  • “Atypical” (2017-2021)
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  • Keir Gilchrist, a non-autistic actor, played Sam Gardner, a young man on the autism spectrum, in this Netflix series.
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  • “The Good Doctor” (2017-present)n
    • Freddie Highmore, a non-autistic actor, plays Dr. Shaun Murphy, a surgical resident with autism and savant syndrome, in this medical drama series.
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